Tag: office furniture

  • Winter Junk Removal Made Easy with SIR JUNK

    Call 1-844-SIR-JUNK or book online today – www.sirjunk.com! Get a No-Obligation Quote from SIR JUNK. The holidays are over, and winter is the perfect time to clear out the clutter. Whether you’re tackling a big clean out or just need to get rid of a few bulky items, SIR JUNK is here to help ~…

  • Tackling a large office cleanout

    Tackling a large office cleanout

    In the world of junk removal, no two jobs are the same. Each project comes with its unique set of challenges and requirements. Recently, SIR JUNK had the opportunity to undertake an extensive office cleanout in Ramsey, New Jersey, at a commercial space spanning over 5,000 square feet. The client’s office had accumulated a considerable…

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